Monday, March 26, 2018

Pop-Up Ads & Why Long Island SEO Agencies Avoid Them

By Arthur Williams

When it comes to the Internet, some elements are more bothersome than others. This brings us to pop-up ads, which can pop up, hence the name, seemingly out of nowhere. While these are bothersome to the average user, many people don't realize that they can adversely affect the efforts of Long Island SEO agencies as well. Here is what you should know about pop-ups, as they relate to search engine optimization.

To illustrate this topic, let's say that you click on a website to learn about a product of interest. Your goal might be to simply learn what it's capable of before you eventually click the "Buy" button. When you click on the site, however, you might be met with a pop-up ad, which does nothing short of taking one out of the experience. When this happens - and the likes of will agree.

What happens when a pop-up shows? It can increase the chances of someone immediately clicking away from a website. What this does, for those not in the know, is increase a site's bounce rate rate. Not unlike a player's score in golf, website developers should keep their bounce rates as low as possible, since this shows greater engagement among user bases. The higher a site's bounce rate is, the less effective one's Long Island SEO efforts will be.

What about the quality of content that pop-ups provide? For those that have encountered many of these in the past, it's safe to assume that they aren't exactly the most relevant to one's interests. Furthermore, there's a good chance that they aren't written well, which only makes them less effective for SEO purposes. Unless a pop-up has value, it shouldn't be included. Even then, there are other ways to yield sales online.

While pop-ups can be used by retailers, there is a level of care that should be taken into consideration. To be on the safe side, you should do away with them entirely. This will do wonders for your website, not only in regard to SEO but the general user experience that anyone can have when they move from one page to the next. If there's anything that Internet marketing proves, it's that you aren't short on options.

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